Full course description
This course is intended for mosquito control professionals who want or need to further develop their GIS skills with exercises using example mosquito surveillance data. However, anyone is welcome to take the course, as these skills are applicable to multiple areas.
This is a self-paced QGIS course and the course is divided into modules, focused on basic tasks and map creation. QGIS is freely available, runs on Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems, and does not require a license.
At the end of this course, you will be able to import trap collections data, create shapefiles for mapping, perform simple joins between multiple datasets, change map projections, perform proximity analyses, generate heat maps, and create quality maps that can be exported to image files for use in reports, presentations, or scientific manuscripts.
This course is produced by Dr. Lindsay Campbell, a co-Program Director of the Mosquito BEACONS working group and an Assistant Professor at the University of Florida – Florida Medical Entomology Laboratory. The Mosquito BEACONS working group is sponsored by USDA-NIFA-funded Southern Integrated Pest Management Center.